Extensive Network of Websites

Judy Lindsay Team Realty Extensive Network of Websites

Judy Lindsay Team Realty is a pioneer in using website and online technology to market and sell your home, advertising we have been doing for over 12 years in Winnipeg. We understand that people more and more search the web for homes to buy and sell. With our featured listings, as well as our network of websites and social media, we are leading the way in having one of the most recognized brands in Winnipeg today.

We have an incredible social media and website development team bringing the best of what we do to the web. You can see below all the sites we have to help better sell your home.










Facebook Page

Twitter Page


If you would like more information or our Marketing systems or would like to speak to one of our team members give us a call at (204) 925-2900 or 1-877-262-7072 or fill out the contact form to the right and we will get back to you.

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Buy or Sell your House

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I wanted to sell privately at first but decided to go with an agent instead and I’m very very glad I did. What impressed me most was the level of Integrity and Honesty that was shown. I’m very appreciative for that and everything they did for me. The level of service provided is unmatched. Thank you Ryan. You’re the best. And to Lisa in the office, I love you. All of the hard work both of you and the rest of your team put in did not go unnoticed. Many thanks.
Micky W
Lyle went over and beyond to make my dream come true!!! I would recommend them in a heartbeat to anyone who's looking to buy!!!
Suzana Galijas